Auction Fundraiser Details
Auction Start Date: June 13, 2016
Auction End Date: June 29, 2016
Auction End Time: 9:00 PM EDT
Due to the unusually high number of intakes, Sherry’s rescue (Sherry Brandell-lee), 4 The Love of K9s, is in desperate need of funding assistance. Intakes have been running about double the normal rate.
Veterinary needs of recent intakes have included surgeries for mammary tumors, two emergency dentals, and a really bad retained testicle, to name a few.
Adoption fees cover normal veterinary needs but not these extraordinary expenses. Adoptions are slow and of course the intakes must be vetted. Mounting veterinary needs, slow adoptions, and the growing need for rescue all add up to a precarious position for any rescue.
We, as dog lovers, need Sherry’s rescue, and Sherry’s rescue needs us. Let’s join together and make this auction group a viable funding source, to enable Sherry to continue the lifesaving work that she does.
This auction group is hosted by Dachshund World Charities, for the benefit of 4 The Love of K9s rescue. To facilitate invoicing, shipping, and reimbursement of shipping expense, we ask that all new bidders and donors register email, and mailing addresses on the registration page.
Auction Start Date: June 13, 2016
Auction End Date: June 29, 2016
Auction End Time: 9:00 PM EDT
Due to the unusually high number of intakes, Sherry’s rescue (Sherry Brandell-lee), 4 The Love of K9s, is in desperate need of funding assistance. Intakes have been running about double the normal rate.
Veterinary needs of recent intakes have included surgeries for mammary tumors, two emergency dentals, and a really bad retained testicle, to name a few.
Adoption fees cover normal veterinary needs but not these extraordinary expenses. Adoptions are slow and of course the intakes must be vetted. Mounting veterinary needs, slow adoptions, and the growing need for rescue all add up to a precarious position for any rescue.
We, as dog lovers, need Sherry’s rescue, and Sherry’s rescue needs us. Let’s join together and make this auction group a viable funding source, to enable Sherry to continue the lifesaving work that she does.
This auction group is hosted by Dachshund World Charities, for the benefit of 4 The Love of K9s rescue. To facilitate invoicing, shipping, and reimbursement of shipping expense, we ask that all new bidders and donors register email, and mailing addresses on the registration page.