Dachshund World Charities Christmas Auction 2018!
The Dachshund World Charities Christmas Auction Ends on Friday, December 14 2018 2018, 9:00 PM EDT.
We are having a short Christmas auction to replenish our emergency funds for Dachshund World Charities. Auction will close this Friday at 9pm eastern time. Please be aware that due to situations out of our control (winners paying in a timely fashion and the speed of the USPS), we can not guarantee delivery by Christmas, but we’ll do our best. Thank you all for your participation! For convenience in viewing and bidding, please follow this link to the Dachshund World Auctions auction album. Don’t forget, donations are tax deductible. Receipts are available for the asking. Auction payments and cash donations can be made to [email protected] God bless the members of our auction groups, whose selflessness, and generosity make these auctions successful. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You from the bottom of our hearts. Please make your donations or auction payments using the Donate button to the right. |
All admins thank you so much for your donations and bids. Please be patient while the spreadsheet is updated and invoices will be sent to you with your totals.
Just because the auction ends, you can still use this donate link to donate and make auction winning payments. Thank you all for your loyal and continuous support! |