Helping Our Babies - Christmas Express Auction (Ends Dec 1st)
All aboard the HOB Christmas Express Auction! Commencing immediately and ending Tuesday, Dec 1, 9:00 EST. We call this an Express Auction, because it has to be short and fast, in order to get Christmas items shipped in time for the holidays.
Meet Dee (DeeOhGee) , a 3 year old Doxie girl, who has sustained an injury to her spine. Sadly, she could not be seen by for an examination by a vet without an up-front deposit. Her mom, Barbie, turned to Dachshund World Charities and with our help, Dee was able to be seen for the examination. Dee must now stay with the vet until Tuesday for further examination, diagnosis, and a treatment plan.
An exact diagnosis and long term treatment protocol won’t be known until then. We pray that surgery won’t be necessary. She still has limited use of her back legs, and feels pain, so we are hopeful. |
Say hello to Tigger, an 8 year old Doxie. Tigger's mom, Christy Brooks contacted Dachshund World Charities and told us of Tigger's advanced periodontal disease and infections in a few teeth that will need to be pulled. His teeth are falling out, because the disease has now reached the bone. If treated now his prognosis is good after dental surgery and when the infection is finally cleared.
We are asking for your support to ensure the best possible outcome for both Tigger and little Dee, and to guarantee that the long term prognosis for these babies won’t be based on inability to pay for treatment. |